

Tel : +965 24725555

Mob: +965 66108819

Email: albaghlinfo@albaghlisponge.com

Website: www.albaghlisponge.com



Al-Baghli Sponge Industries has exceeded the quarter of a century of continuous experience in the world of unique home furniture. It has taken its own path by constantly searching for new solutions in design, manufacture and distribution to work to reduce costs without the need to reduce quality and type, meaning that it is the first step on the road. For better creativity.Baghli Sponge industry started with the help of foreign and local expertise and advanced machines, so we provided all modern technology means to go along with the requirements of the development of sponge industry.


Brand                                                             Description                                    Country of Origin


AL BAGHLI                                                     AL BAGHLI                                                     KUWAIT

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